Monday, September 7, 2009

August Ago-go

So yes, we haven't kept this blog up-to-date so I'm going to give a quick run down of a few of the exciting things that happened while we have been on cyber vacation. Many of you may know that Jed and I trained and completed a half marathon this August! Jed comes from a family of marathon runners and ran the St. George marathon himself a few years ago. My runnning experience on the other hand is more like mentally sprinting from my problems, so although I welcomed the thought of exercising with the panicked purpose of a real running race, I was a bit terrified. Even though Jed told me that anyone can run long distances if they put their mind to it, I couldn't help but reminded of the famed runner at the battle of "Marathon" who ran the 26 miles and then DIED. During training, this story did not seem so far-fetched. HOWEVER, my attitude did a complete 180 after being sucked into the marvelously written novel Born to Run. Here is a link to a book synopsis:

This book seriously inspired me SO much! If you've been aroun me this past month more than likely you've heard me get on my soapbox about it. All I have to say is that I went from absolutely fearing the half marathon to just wanting to enjoy it. My end goal was to love the experience. Here are pictures of Jed and I that fated day, care of the fabulous Bre. You can see for yourself how I was feeling ovet the finish line! : )

Although I finished last out of the Briggs family (Mylissa did like 7 min 30 sec miles and placed in her age group, Jed's mom won first in her age division and Steve and Jed both rocked the course at like 8 to 9 minute miles), I still averaged 10 minute 40 second miles! I beat my goal by like 5 minutes a mile...

Also this month I started back at Yo Gabba Gabba! Season Three. We did voiceover all during the month of August and we just finished out first week of filming last week. I LOVE my work. Everyday of filming we dress up for different themes for prizes at lunch. We had B movie day, OSHA safety day, D-Day, Mrs. Doubtfire day, Birthday/Monobrow day, Fedora/Vato day. I am just so priveleged to be around such fun people. You can see some of the awesome costumes on our Yo Blogga Blogga! link.

Today for Labor Day, we got together with Jed's best friends Patrick and Alex and their killer cool wifeys- Patricia and Kathy and they indulged me (for their kids sake too) in watching some Season 2 YGG episodes and I forget how absolutely hilarious and rad the show is. We just pray that it won't be another Arrested Develoopment and get cut off just as it's getting momentum.



ferris wheel


